International Probiotic Company s.r.o.
Company history is dated back to 2003 when we as the first company in Eastern and Central Europe have started to produce probiotic preparations for farm and pet animals. In Slovakia and on a global scale we are the only ones who produce special potentiated probiotics for different categories of farm and pet animals separately. Our probiotics are approved as veterinary preparations. Currently, we are ready to produce our preparations for ruminants (calves, lambs, dairy cows, and sheep), pigs (suckling and weanlings), poultry (broilers, laying hens), geese, ducks, horses, and dogs in extenso.
Our veterinary preparations, in terms of measures taken in the EU about the ban of the use of antibiotics since 2006, these preparations are able to replace antibiotics either the preventive or acute treatment. Their positive effect applies to the entire digestive system and is manifested by an increase in gains on average 15%, which effectively increasing the profitability of production.
Production center is in Košice, Slovakia. The entire production process at the elementary level directly provides professional specialist staff. Technological process is highly secured and the products are environmentally friendly. In the production, there are not used any toxic and other harmful substances.
The company was founded for the purpose of implementation of knowledge learned in the research in laboratory conditions of scientific institutions into the practice. On the basis of a cooperation agreement with the University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice and the Institute of Animal Physiology SAS, Košice, in first years of existence we have overcome the initial difficulties in implementing probiotic into practice, whether in legislation or organizational and production conditions. Today, we can say that we utilize research results and UVM ÚFHZ SAS and after our own preparation, application and testing, we are producing five kinds of products for farm and pet animals. These preparations are:
- PROPOUL - for poultry
- PROPIG - for pigs (suckling and weaner)
- PROG - for calves and lambs.
- PROBIODOG - for dogs
- PROFOAL - for horses
Preparations PROPOUL, PROPIG, PROGAL, PROBIODOG, and PROFOAL are coming on the market as the new generation of potentiated probiotic veterinary products. Potentiated probiotics have biotechnological character with elements of natural medicine. They are based on new scientific concept of prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases of livestock. They are used in powder and tablet forms. In liquid form are used only rarely.
All preparations have been approved ÚŠKVBL (Institute for State Control of Veterinary Biologicals and Medicaments) in Nitra, Slovakia, under the number:
PROPOUL plv. 031/P/04-S
PROPOUL sol. 032/P/04-S
PROPIG plv. 029/P/04-S
PROPIG sol. 030/P/04-S
PROGAL plv. 027/P/04-S
PROGAL sol. 028/P/04-S
PROBIODOG plv. 24/P/11-S
PROFOAL tbl. 70/P/10-S