Home Prebiotics


are indigestible food ingredients that selectively support the multiplication of symbiotic microflora in the colon and suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora. These substances pass through the digestive tract unchanged up to the colon where they are hydrolyzed by probiotic microflora, which decomposes them into simple saccharides and produces an enzyme fructosidase. Fructosidase stimulates the multiplication of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria mainly and suppress multiplication of several pathogens, clostridia, Klebsiella, E. coli, and others. As prebiotics are mainly used oligosaccharides, frequently fructooligosaccharides.

The effect of prebiotics

Prebiotics reduce the amount of toxic and carcinogenic substances in the colon (nitrosamines, secondary bile acids, heterocyclic amines, azo compounds, phenolic compounds and indole, ammonia, etc.) that arise as metabolic products of digestion and enzymatic activity of bacteria except lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. The producers of fatty acids with short chain reduce the activity of enzymes and thereby reduce the amount of carcinogens in the colon.
